In forming relationships within different areas of our life and our existence, we find all relationships, whether they be with other humans, our possessions, our needs or wants, start as new beginnings that come from some ending. There are times and things that bring about the unknown and we are faced with different desires that are all new to us. So how do we form a balance and relationship between being spiritual, of the spirit, and human, of the Earth?

We have broken it down into different areas represented by different directions and of where we stand in the middle of those directions. The directions represent more than North, South, East and West. The directions represent the cycle of our days and of the years. When we look at our lives we find each cycle of our lives is represented in those directions as well. We take that further and say that it is the existence of all that has been or will be.

We look to the Sky or to God to find our Spirit, our place and part of everything and to make connection with other people and things. We can let go and have our heads truly in the clouds, be out there spiritually and soar in our connections in ways that can only be accomplished with our relationship with God.

We look to the Earth to find understanding and to stay grounded. Our feet are attached to the Earth and we are part of the mother, we cannot leave the Earth as we are now and are going to return to her upon the death of our bodies.    

The East is representative of the Rising Sun, the new day and new beginnings. It is the beginning of our conscious thoughts, when our lives and other lives come into the world making new things come to light. Our connection with the direction of the East gives us a hopeful Outlook as we start to emerge like the flowers of the springtime.

The South is the direction that is of the Sun, the hot of the day, the place of our emotions and being. It is the most human of directions, it is where we are right now. It is a place that continues in light of the day, as the summer of Our Lives. Where we our passions and desires, our youth and vitality reside. We live here, truly live, and in the timeline of our lives we form who we are here.  

The West the direction of the Setting Sun and being a day ending of our thoughts the direction of the past, the things that we have learned. It’s the place, space and time of reflection. Connection with this direction is like the fall where we reap the Harvest of the things that we are doing and continue to do. We look back on our day and days knowing that we are finding that our experiences are serving us well.

The North is the direction of the unknown, sleeping time, night and the winter of our lives. It is the direction that contains the knowledge of the previous time, the direction of our ancestors and those who have come before us. It is the most spiritual direction providing us with inspiration and comfort while we are here.

Bringing the directions together gives us Direction. When we look to how the different directions relate to and with each other, we can practice that relationship between them in our lives. When they come together and we use the knowledge we have of them, they make us whole.

When we can look to the new beginnings and the direction of the East, we can be excited about  new beginnings, because we have embraced the unknown and the direction of the North. We can put me behind the past and having learned from the past at the direction of the West. All those things come together as what is best for us right now in the South.

Bringing all directions together, Up, Down, North, South, East and West in our HEART CENTER, we find balance and connection to everyone and everything.