Name: Rev. Scott A Henning

Occupation: Meditation Coach – Spiritual Adviser –  Sound and Energy Healer – Breathwork Facilitator – Consciousness Coach –  Author  – Artist – and Much More…

Founder: United Spiritual Ground Ministries

Religion/ Background: American Buddhist

Original Quote: “A smile can make someone’s day, and the right words may change someone’s life.”

Thank you for you interest in this website. You probably have questions about who I am and the purpose of this site. If this doesn’t answer them, feel free to email me with your questions. I will respond.

I am a genuine person who is no better or worse than anyone else. Living my life as open book showing that I am human and that life is better with a spiritual path than without one. I live my life attracting happiness and doing things that show others how being grateful for what we have makes us be the best we can be. I show honest acceptance of where I am right now and a burning desire to be the best person I can be. This is portrayed in my enjoyment of life and where I am at in my journeys doing and being the person I want to be. The different things I do shows that healthy lives come from healthy habits, relationships and a positive outlook about the things that are going on in the world and in our lives.

I started Be One With Me .com as a way to share my thoughts and ideas to bring about spiritual oneness. I believe spiritual growth and spirituality is the answer to problems we all face in our lives and all the things that are wrong in the world. If we can grow together in the spirit of all that is good, create some type of common ground in the ideas of what is right, then we are on our way to creating an atmosphere of oneness I believe this world needs.

I am not saying we all should have the same thoughts of what is right. What may be right for one person may not necessarily be right for another. I do believe we all have been endowed with the right to form our own thoughts and opinions concerning matters of the heart and spirit. We have moral obligations to mankind to live under certain principles to live in a loving and tolerant world.

We all want to be happy, healthy, and productive in the live we live and should take care not to interfere with another’s right to do the same. “Do onto others”,“ Love thy neighbor”, “ Live and let live” are some examples of the love and tolerance I believe we all can benefit from.

I became an ordained minister in June 2009. I take this position very serious. I strive to live up to high spiritual standards, living a life that free from judgment, condemnation, wrong doing or thinking. I lead by example to show others the power of spirituality. I formed United Spiritual Ground Ministries as a way to share my spirituality and the concept of universal oneness with people of all religious backgrounds.

I believe we all have the right to find our own path to a better life through spiritual progress and that there is a spiritual answer to all of our problems. We all benefit from the practice of love, tolerance, and compassion through acceptance of others. Who they are and how they wish to practice a spiritual life is up to them. By allowing individuals to live within their own idea of a spiritual life we are promoting a tolerant and peaceful faith based community.

I have learned many lessons form my past that may benefit or help others. There are others who have learned different things that may help me be the person I want to be. I know that the past is past and tomorrow will never come. I have to do today, the things that make me the person I want to be. Today is a great day to be alive, it is a great time to be alive, for this is now, this is what I have been given, this is where I have put myself. If I want different results I need to do some things different.

Finally, there are some people who think they have this spirituality thing all figured out. To them I say, “ Teach me, for I know nothing!” I hope that we can work together to make this a world that we share in common principles for a good life.

I wish to thank you again for your interest in spirituality and this website. I hope you find something that helps you on your journey and we can find ways that we are one.


The Oneness We Seek

Looking for a way to be one with you, there’s no one thing that’s right to do. The things I learn I take to heart, and pass them on in all or part. The world is good if you choose, and people listen for I have news. There are ways to be one like we seek, and to those thing is what I speak. Love all others for who they are, no matter how near or how far. Listen to the things they teach, even though you have to reach. Understand they have their views, what you keep you have to choose. Remember things from the past, the teaching you let go too fast. From all people we can learn, and bring the oneness for that we yearn. Look inside yourself with all your might, and know that you’re  not always right. Accept all the views under the sun, for what they are and we will be one.

On a personal level…

I am 57 years old and travel the western United States teaching and sharing thing that make a difference in people’s lives and raise the vibrations in the collective consciousness. I lived in Ogden, UT. for 18 years and was happy to call it home until I decided to travel to share the things I do with others and be with my kids and grand kids more often. I enjoy golfing, skiing, movies, karaoke, glamping, road trips and grandkids. I’m a very spiritual person who is no better or worse than anyone else; humble and truly grateful for everything I have and have been through. Meditation, Yoga and Regular Sweat Lodges keep me grounded. I am okay with going out or staying in, but I need both. I do Art and make Tie Dye things. I want to work on the picture that is my life, continue to make it beautiful, fix the smudges and paint new things in it. There is so much in that picture to still clean up; that’s life, we all have things we need to paint over and fix. It was great to have a life plan, but sometimes life gets in the way. Remembering the basic principles of that plan still keeps me on track and I can’t help but feel I have and am living the life of my dreams. I have a background in recovery but don’t practice abstinence at this time. I believe that all people can benefit from a spiritual path and the principles of recovery; Trust God, Admit Your Faults and Help Others. “A smile may make someone’s day, and the right words may change someone’s life.” Yes, I smoke, Yes, that too, I like to drink for the right reasons… and explore the bounds of consciousness (metaphysical and physical, haha) once in a while. My life is full, I just need people to paint into my picture, I will gladly model for yours.

Together we can find what will make us happy, and work on the things that we need to work on to be the best people we can be. We have to find peace in the choices that are made, and go on with our lives seeking the things that make us happy. If we let the actions of others dominate our thinking we become of no use to those that will benefit from our love, kindness, compassion and tolerance. Failed relationships should be looked at as learning experiences, provided that we constructively take a look at the things that we have done, both good and bad, learning from them, making us better people. I am excited to see what the closing of one door brings when other doors open. I will use this time to deepen my other relationships, self reflection, doing things that are good for my soul and clearing up things from the past while maintaining a deep connection with the Creator.


By Scott Henning  


Dharma Chakra


Right view

Right intention

Right speech

Right action

Right livelihood

Right effort

Right mindfulness

Right concentration

About my ordination and what it means to me…

On June 25, 2009 I became an ordained minister and took the title of

Reverend Scott A Henning.

In a private ceremony, I took vows to uphold high standards of spirituality that I live by, free from judgment, condemnation, wrong doing or thinking. I believe the title of Reverend is something to live up to, making me no better than anyone else, only requiring that I hold myself to high standards of love, tolerance and acceptance of others.

Being a Reverend is a position I take very serious and will do my best to minister to people who want or need my help. I believe in all faiths and none at all, which puts me in a position where I can be of maximum help to all people . Performing marriages, taking confession, baptisms, spiritual guidance, comforting the dying and grieving in their time of need, and performing funeral services are some of the duties I plan to encounter and am willing to perform at the highest levels of spiritual consciousness.

I am proud to have been given this opportunity and am looking to this as one more part of my spiritual and personal growth.

Reverend Scott A Henning

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