Meditation Coaching / Classes – Take control of your life!

Meditation is an individual exercise and varies from person to person. What might be right for one person is not necessarily right for another, as we are individuals and each of us have our own things we have to work through to reach the state we desire from our meditation. We have all been through different things in our lives and are all in different stages of our abilities to find the peace of mind, or in mind, that we are after.
We might all agree that when we meditate, we are looking to find a place in our mind where we escape our everyday stresses and thoughts, and hopefully we emerge with a refreshed new outlook on life. Well, that sound good in theory, but for how long? How long before we are back to the same old person we were before our so-called rejuvenation? Is it enough to just escape for those few minutes or do we want to carry the feelings of peace with us into our real life, into the world we were trying to escape from in the first place. Is it enough to just find peace during our meditations our can we get much more out of them, bringing that peace with us all the time? Can we share that peace to others even if they my never find that place we have found.
When I think of meditation, I think of some Indian dude sitting cross-legged on the floor fingers twisted chanting “Ommm”. If this is you and you are getting what you need from this, more power to you. For me it never seemed so comfortable and I found myself distracted from what I was trying to get from meditation, “peace of mind”. There is something to be said about posture and the flow of energy through your body and that is Yoga. I will say that there is no right or wrong place or position for meditation. That is all a personal preference and I highly recommend Yoga for its benefits both mental and physical, and the breathing patterns that you use can help you in meditation.
I have talked to people and seen places where they have a special place set up for meditation, I am sure you can imagine the lengths some people need to go, and again if this is you and you are getting what you need, again more power to you. If you need special music, the sounds of nature or incense, so be it. Whatever it takes to get ready to do the exercise then that is what you need. Meditation is an individual thing as it is all in your mind.
Scott Henning


Find inner peace that shines to bring peace to others.

“When the solution is simple, God is answering.” Albert Einstein

“In solitude I find the best conversations. Listening to my soul’s dictations has lead me to greater truths that I could have missed if I didn’t rest and listen.” -Dodinsky

“Reading makes a full man, meditation a profound man, discourse a clear man.” Benjamin Franklin

“The affairs of the world will go on forever. Do not delay the practice of meditation.”

Clearing our minds through meditation can sometimes be a hard thing to do, or we feel we must meditate on something to benefit fully from our meditations. Here are some suggestions and situations to bring about peace of mind in your meditations.

Meditation is taking control of your thoughts by releasing your thoughts. Finding a space where the things that you know, you just know and the things that you need to do, you will do. There is a time and a place for everything. Meditation is about finding that time and place, knowing that it is right. 

Take a minute right now, breathe deep and let it out slowly. One more time. Now, don’t you feel better? SMILE

Inner Peace begins with the next breath you take. We breathe until we die, take in all that is good and bad in the world and return it better than when you took it in. Look yourself making the air around you better, more positive, and peaceful. Find true peace and happiness with every breath and radiate what you find.

All coaching is; is taking a player where he can’t take himself.— Bill McCartney

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I will guide you in meditation practices that will help you live the life of your dreams.

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By Scott Henning  


Inner Peace begins with the next breath you take. We breathe until we die, take in all that is good and bad in the world and return it better than when you took it in. Look yourself making the air around you better, more positive, and peaceful. Find true peace and happiness with every breath and radiate what you find.

Let it be, there will be an answer, let it be…

Focus on a place right behind your forehead with you eyes open and let your eyes relax to a soft gaze. Let go, let the thoughts come, just say hi, and let the thoughts go. 

Dharma Chakra


  1. Right view
  2. Right intention
  3. Right speech
  4. Right action
  5. Right livelihood
  6. Right effort
  7. Right mindfulness
  8. Right concentration

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