With a little compassion and tolerance for each other not only would there be peace, but a genuine shift in human consciousness.

When we talk about tolerance what are we talking about? Is it tolerating our kids, spouses, people we come in contact on a daily basis, maybe the other A#%*&@! on the road? We might be right in how we have chosen to feel about certain people or their views, but then again we may be way off base. Could it be we may need to work on tolerating ourselves. Just because we might not agree with another’s religion or their views, can we find something good that we agree on? Have we rushed our judgment without fully understanding another’s position or view? Can we find peace in the fact that we may be wrong in our thinking or feelings?

Who am I to judge you? Who are you to judge me?

“The test of courage comes when we are in the minority. The test of tolerance comes when we are in the majority.” Ralph W. Sockman

“Slow down life just happens”

I will speak my mind caring for how others feelings are affected.

“Tolerance implies a gratuitous assumption of the inferiority of other faiths to one’s own” Mahatma Gandhi

Today is a great day to work on myself and share with others. If I want to keep growing spiritually I have to be open to the views, values, and principles of all religions. Though there may be parts of different Religions I might not agree with, I need to ask myself if I understand what is being spoken by a particular person and if I need to be more open to the views of others religions. I need to remember religions though blamed for many acts of war and intolerance throughout history, have in fact done more good for the world than bad. Scott Henning

“Tolerance of others is made easier knowing we all deal with suffering”

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