To share our spirituality with others, can be harder than we first think it may be. When we look at spirituality as an individual matter that we want to share with others than we have to come up with different ways to communicate our feelings, beliefs, and philosophies.

To show that we are living a life of spiritual growth makes those we come in contact with want to know more about the changes in us, or why we are radiating love, peace, tolerance, and the other things we have found through our spiritual and personal growth.

“Religion is not identical with spirituality; rather religion is the form spirituality takes in civilization.” William Irwin Thompson

Today is a great day to work on myself and share with others. If I want to keep growing spiritually I have to be open to the views, values, and principles of all religions. Though there may be parts of different Religions I might not agree with, I need to ask myself if I understand what is being spoken by a particular person and if I need to be more open to the views of others religions. I need to remember religions though blamed for many acts of war and intolerance throughout history, have in fact done more good for the world than bad.     Rev. Scott Henning

While the words religion and spirituality are often incorrectly used interchangeably, an important distinction exists between spirituality in religion and spirituality as opposed to religion. In recent years, spirituality as opposed to religion often carries connotations of a believer having a faith more personal, less dogmatic, more open to new ideas and myriad influences, and more pluralistic than the doctrinal/dogmatic faiths of mature religions. Read more at Wikipedia

I need to remember religions though blamed for many acts of war and intolerance throughout history, have in fact done more good for the world than bad.

With all the different views on what spirituality is, what is spiritual, or how it relates to religion, I would like to hear your comments on the subject.

Living a true spiritual path make me embrace all religions for helping others to find a better life Spiritually.

Contempt prior to investigation hurts so many ways. Grow spiritually and rid the world of ignorance.

Can or should any one religion really call themselves the only true religion?

“Religion is for people who don’t want to go to hell, spirituality is for people who’ve already been there.”

There are many different religions and philosophies in this world, all sharing basic fundamental principles

Religion is good and if we believe in all things good in this life then we will begin to find our true path to Spirituality. The worlds Religions have done more good for mankind as a whole than we ever give them credit for. To have tolerance and acceptance of faiths and beliefs that differ from our own helps us begin to realize the vital role religions play in our world. We may have been brought up to believe or follow a certain faith and began to doubt that faith as we grew up or we just decided to seek our own spiritual path. We have come to see that there are some people who take their religion so serious that it seems that they are trying to ram it down the throats of the rest of us. When we find something good don’t we all want to share it with others? Do we resist looking at other religions because we believe that our faith is the only true faith? These are questions that we need to ask ourselves if we are to practice acceptance. There is nothing wrong with a group of people who gather together sharing with each other a common belief of spirituality to help them cope with the thing we face in our lives. Following direction of a minister of any given faith should be taken as a blessing as that person has put themselves in a position where they must hold themselves to a high level of morality and virtious actions. When we seek direction of someone in that position we must be humble to the fact that they are doing the work that they have been empowered to do. Without religions where would we turn when we need spiritual guidance or a place that we share our common struggles though life. Rev. Scott A Henning


We should not try too hard to find the answers that guide us in harmony with all that is right and good. The things that are happening around us we are creating and are building on past actions. Acceptance of things as they are when we know they could be better is found with faith that following our intuition and feelings of the next right thing to do and by surrendering to this moment for what it is and being responsible for our feelings for what they are.

When was the last time that you attended a church other than yours?

“I have a terrible need … shall I say the word? … of religion. Then I go out at night and paint the stars.” Vincent van Gogh

Religions of the world come together spiritually

Complete yourself, appreciate the beauty of this moment.

Click Here to submit an original story of sharing spiritually, or your Spiritual Growth.

“Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened.—Buddha

“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us finish the work we are in”  Abraham Lincoln

 The more we use faith we find it becomes almost second nature and we begin to rely on its power. By releasing our thoughts and worries and letting things play out as they will, the practice of using faith becomes our way of acceptance that we have done right with right intention and released control of thing that are not in our control. It is at those times, when we don’t have control we feel we need that our faith is tested the most.

I need to remember religions though blamed for many acts of war and intolerance throughout history, have in fact done more good for the world than bad.

With all the different views on what spirituality is, what is spiritual, or how it relates to religion, I would like to hear your comments on the subject.

Living a true spiritual path make me embrace all religions for helping others to find a better life Spiritually.

“Religion is not identical with spirituality; rather religion is the form spirituality takes in civilization.” William Irwin Thompson

Contempt prior to investigation hurts so many ways. Grow spiritually and rid the world of ignorance.

Can or should any one religion really call themselves the only true religion?

“Religion is for people who don’t want to go to hell, spirituality is for people who’ve already been there.”

There are many different religions and philosophies in this world, all sharing basic fundamental principles


By Scott Henning  


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