This is the True Happiness Worksheet and Directions from Scott Henning’s book True Happiness Doing Something Worthwhile With A Purpose A design for living happy program.  


Make as many copies as needed to cover all the different relationships, areas and things you want in your life. (If you are working it on your computer Copy and Paste this worksheet as many times as needed) Use it as a working document, making changes as you get the things you want or identify other things you can or need to do move closer to having what you want. (SEE THE EXAMPLES AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE)

You may have as many worksheets as you need to cover each area of your life and it is not uncommon to have 10 or more. Start with the things you value most in your life and add to your workbook as needed. Use the suggested worksheet list for an ideas of the different worksheets you may want to have.



Fill in your Name to take ownership of the worksheet.

Fill in the Area of your life; Relationship, Possession, Recreation etc…  ( Use the Suggested Worksheet list )

Fill in Specific Relationship or Thing to the relationship area or thing in your life. Examples of all the different worksheets you may have going are; Self, Image, Spouse/Partner, Children, Friends, Individual Friends, Parents, Home, Education, Vehicles, Occupation(s), Vacation(s), Spirituality, Hobbies (skiing, golf, crafts, etc.). This is only a partial list.  Make a worksheet for any area you deem important in your life.

Think how grateful you are to have what you have already and give thanks for those things. Using positive statements fill in the information for the different worksheets starting with What I have now; “I have a wonderful relationship that is filled with mutual respect that needs work to communicate better.” Or “I have a relationship that I value and would like to work on to make better.”

If you feel you don’t have what you desire or that that is the specific thing or relationship fill in what works best such as, “I have a desire for/to ____.”, or “I have a need for a meaningful relationship with someone who values the same things as I do.”

Clearly define What I want; making sure that you list all the things you want in or from that relationship, area or thing. “I want to live in a nice clean home with nice things in a good neighborhood.” “I want to be better at listening.” By clearly stating what you want you are moving closer to it manifesting in your life.

You then think about and write down the reasons, Why do I want it? “I want to come home to a place that is inviting to me and to entertain others.” “I want to be better at listening to benefit my relationships” By doing this you will clarify what it is you want and reinforce the manifestation process. You may even need to go back later and make changes to what you wrote down bringing further clarification to what you want.

You look at and define What I think about it? Not to further clarify but to see that your thoughts are in line with the things you want and to build value in those things. “I think my relationship is important to both of us and I want to do all I can to be the best partner I can be.” “I think a clean home is a direct reflection of the person I am.” This is important to keep clear how your thoughts are in direct relation to our actions and those are all you can control.

Your actions are the things that move you closer to having what you want. Identifying all the things you can do, What are my possible actions to reach it? Makes all those actions visible bringing possible direction to getting the things you want. “I can really listen and not put my two cents in unless asked.” “I can let others in the house know what I want to be kept clean.” “I can ask everyone to keep things cleaned up.” “I can clean things up myself.” By listing all the things you can do to get the things you want brings about all the different options you can take to have the relationship or get those things you want.

Knowing all the things you can do has to be balanced by knowing and accepting, “What is out of my control?” To do this you look at the things you feel, are your possible actions and see where you don’t have control or the things you cannot do. “I cannot make others do anything they don’t want to do or want the same thing as I do.” “I cannot buy something that I do not have a budget for.” Remembering that the only things you have control over is your own thoughts and actions makes the things you can do clearer and brings your focus to the things you are doing that are moving you closer to or keeping you from the things you want.

You are looking at your actions and asking, What am I doing to get closer to what I want? These actions are the things you are doing that are positive and that you need to continue doing to have what you want. “I am making a plan to have a better relationship.” “I make it a point to listen without judgment or comment unless it is asked from me.” To reinforce and praise your positive actions to yourself, keeps you continually moving in the direction of getting the things you want.

If you are to look at the things you are doing to move closer you must also look at the things that are keeping you from having the things you want. What am I doing to keep me from it? Identifying these things helps to find the things in our actions we need to change. “I am not giving my all to my relationship.” “I am being selfish and controlling.” You are your own worst critic so don’t hold anything back. Understand that by writing these things down it is staring you in the face and only you can take the action to change it.

You know the things you can do, are doing and the things that are keeping you from having the things you want. It is time for action, listing the things you need to do. What do I need to do to get what I want? This is a To-do list of the actions you need to take based off the things you put down in the things you can do. “I need to work on cleaning my home every day to set an example.” “I need to make time to talk with and practice my listening skills.” Knowing the actions you need to take, based on the work you already did makes for clear direction to move closer to having what you want.

Evaluate the different worksheets to stay focused on the things you are or are not doing to move closer to having the things you want and the things you need to do. Make changes to your worksheet as you find or discover other things that you can add to each worksheet. Identify new things you can do and actions to take that will bring you closer or identify the things that are keeping you from getting what you want.

When you are feeling a lack of True Happiness or are stuck in the same routines of life it is the perfect time to do this evaluation. Once things are identified as things you need to do, you just do what you can. Remember it is the journey not the destination that brings True Happiness and that is found by doing something worthwhile with a purpose.


(Copy and Print or Paste the worksheet)  

__________________’S  TRUE HAPPINESS WORKSHEET

AREA OF LIFE: ___________________________________

NAME: Specific Relationship or Thing  ____________________________________________

What I have now;

I have


What I want;

I want

I want

I want

I want

I want

I want

I want

I want

I want

I want


Why do I want it?

I want


I want


I want


I want


What I think about it?

I think

I think

I think

I think


What are my possible actions to reach it?

I can

I can

I can

I can

I can

I can

I can

I can

I can


What is out of my control?

I cannot

I cannot


What am I doing to get closer to what I want?

I am

I am

I am


What am I doing to keep me from it?

I am/am not

I am/am not

I am/am not


What do I need to do?

I need to

I need to

I need to

I need to

I need to

I need to

I need to

I need to

I need to

I need to

I need to



Personal Growth
Self Image/ Personality/ Character Traits
Clothes/ Image/ Personal Hygiene
Food/ Diet
Physical Wellness
Personal Achievement/ Recognition

Specific Children
Specific Friends
Co-workers /Employers/ Employees

Material Possessions


Prayer/ Meditation
Sharing/ Church

Security/ Assets


Career Path



Personal Growth

Self Image/ Personality/ Character Traits

What I have now;

I am a good person with a desire to be the best person I can be, who loves all people for who they are, tolerant and compassionate, no better or worse than anyone else.

What I want;

I want to continue to grow and be the best person I can be.

I want to live a good life filled with love and genuine caring for those close to me

I want to be confident and directed in life.

I want to be a person who radiates positive energy.

I want people to like me for who I am.

I want to help people whenever I can.

I want to have a tasteful sense of humor that is a real reflection of the person I am.

I want to be a confident, motivated and positive person.

I want to be a good husband.

I want to be a good father.

I want good healthy relationships in my life.

I want to always love myself and my decisions.

I want to be wise and help others with my wisdom.

I want to be a listener, to really hear what others have to say.

I want to look and feel good all the time.

I want to be humble and accepting of life.

Why do I want it?

I want to have a lasting impression on people to make them want what I have.

I want to be someone who is at peace with the world and the people in it.

I want to be someone who is liked and respected by everyone.

What I think about it?

I think it is who I am to be on top of how I want to be and the things I want out of life.

What are my possible actions to reach it?

I can continue to inventory my days to look for ways I can be better.

I can recognize the things I need to work on in my life.

I can strive to be the best I can.

I can keep looking for ways to grow.

I can listen to people and then react accordingly with wisdom.

I can be a good person.

I can make it a point to be aware of my surroundings and look for opportunities to help others.

I can spend time with each individual in my life working on my relationships.

I can be a good friend to my friends.

I can work the True Happiness Program in all areas of my life.

What is out of my control?

I cannot make people like me.

I cannot be anything that I am not.

I cannot

What am I doing to get closer to what I want?

I am defining the person I want to be.

I am working daily on being a good person.

I am inventorying my days to see where I can be better.

I am developing good habits.

What am I doing to keep me from it?

I am not spending enough time on my relationships.

I am not listening enough to see the real meaning behind things that are said.

What do I need to do to get what I want?

I need to continue to be the person I want to be.

I need to spend more individual time with those closest to me.

I need to watch the things I say and listen more.

I need to continue to refine my definition of who I want to be.

I need to deepen my relationship with myself through meditation.

I need to continue to work on the things that are making a difference in my life.

I need to continue to manifest the things I want in my life.




What I have now;

I have a great loving relationship that is filled with good times and mutual respect that benefits both of us as we continue to grow closer and together,as we align our live for the future.  

What I want;

I want to continue to grow together and align our dreams and want to give us the best life together as possible.

I want her to be responsible for her own happiness and grateful for the little things that I do for her.

I want to share in the things that I enjoy and experience the things that she has interest in.

I want to share my love and be open and worthy of/to receive the love she gives.

I want her to be healthy ao we can do the things we want to.

I want to be her lover, best friend, business and life partner.  

I want to help her when I can and know when I shouldn’t.

Why do I want it?

I want to be married and spend the rest of my life with someone who loves and respects me that I can do the same for with mutual respect and the same interests and goals for the future.

What I think about it?

I think that we can be happy together and grow our love to a point that we can be great for each other.

I think we compliment each other in a way that makes us a perfect pair.  

I think that we have a common direction and enough of the same interests to maintain a healthy relationship that will continue to grow.

What are my possible actions to reach it?

I need to continue being a loving partner and respect her for who she is.

I can only behave in a way that shows the true person I am and want to be.

I can show more interest in the things she wants and communicate what I want out of life and our relationship.

What is out of my control?

I cannot control her actions and thoughts only my own.

I cannot change her she has to find her own way.

I cannot make her love me; only show her how I love her.

What am I doing to get closer to what I want?

I am working on being a good partner, trying to be honest in my intentions, help where I can and know where I don’t need to.

I am communicating the things I would like and the thing I am doing .

I am being the person I want to be and encouraging her to be the best she can.

What am I doing to keep me from it?

I am not communicating as well as I could.

I am still scattered in some areas that I need to work on.

I feel controlling when I need help in thing I feel we need to do.

I let the things that bother me eat me up for fear of those things becoming something that will make me not be the person I want to be.

What do I need to do to get what I want?

I need to continue to be a good partner.

I need to work on communicating the things that I want and listen to the things that she wants.

I need to be more about her and less about me ( in the things we do).

I need to get away from her more often to create space to be our own people.

I need to continue to give her space and freedom to do what she wants and help where I can.

I need to be supportive in the thing she does listen to her and her dreams and her wants.

I need to encourage her to keep getting healthier and lose the weight she wants.

I need to work on the other thing that are important to me and include her whenever I can.

I need to be more fired up about the thing I am doing to be the best for her and provide her the life she deserves.

I need to respect her thoughts and dreams.

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