By Scott Henning  


True Happiness

 Introduction from the book: True Happiness
By: Scott Henning


True Happiness became a passion of mine when I had a spiritual awakening that led me to do some major soul searching in my life. I was at a place in my life where I was not feeling right about the things I was doing; though I was happy, I knew there must be more to life than feeling that I had to go out and make myself happy.

I knew happiness had to come from inside, that I created my own happiness and that I could be happy all the time. I had everything that I could ever need but my life didn’t seem to have much meaning. I had always been a positive person. Over the years I had read as many self-help books in my pursuit to be a happy person and to get the things I wanted out of life. I got to a point where I felt comfortable setting goals and accomplishing the things I set out to do. I thought I was a success even though I was not happy all the time.

I found myself in a position where I could devote my time to personal growth and to helping others. I was helping others find a spiritual answer to their problems and attending functions where I would share my experience, strength and hope with others. I began working on the things that I thought were missing in my life; spirituality, good healthy relationships, physical well-being and the pursuit of getting things happening in my life to make me happy. I changed my focus from not just getting more things, to just getting the things I needed and valuing the things I had already.  

As I grew spiritually I began to notice the growing spiritual movement that is going on in the world around us. Thank you, to all those other people in the world that share in the truth and the global shift of consciousness. I am not just talking about religion; there has always been religion and there always will be. I defined my stance on religion as this; Religions of the world, though they are not for me, serve a needed purpose in the world and have done more good for the people of the world than bad. They may have been the cause of many conflicts and wars in history and in the present time, that could be resolved by an understanding of the things and the fundamental principles that they have in common. If they were working toward common outcomes, knowing they really want the same things, with a little compassion and tolerance for each other, not only would there be peace, but a genuine shift in human consciousness.   

Concepts from Buddhist philosophies, Reality therapy developed by Dr. William Glasser, “The Tao Te Ching”, “The Holy Bible”, and “Bhagavad-Gita” and other spiritual texts. “The Law of Success” by Napoleon Hill, , as well as books like “Alcoholics Anonymous” (The Big Book), “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne (which led to extensive study on the Law of Attraction), “The Shift” by Dr. Wayne Dyer and his book on the Tao, “Change your thoughts-Change your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao” and “Spiritual Liberation” by Michael Bernard Beckwith, to name a few that have transformed my life and have brought about the pages you are reading.

Deep meditation, internal work and contemplation of who I am, who we really are and the things that we are doing to be part of the world we live in, brought about a practical approach to finding True Happiness. I developed a program for my life, that can be understood and followed by everyone no matter what age or place they are at in their lives.

Each chapter of this book could be books themselves and will be at some time in the future. I have chosen to cut out all the fluff and concentrate on the key facts, trying not to regurgitate the same old stuff we have all read. I do not use quotes or cite background on any of my opinions to fill pages, nor do I feel I should have to support or back up the truth as I see it. Everything in this book has been carefully presented in plain english and is open for your contemplation and interpretation. I would encourage you to meditate on and discuss your views on each chapter. Practical application of the major concepts in our daily lives is what True Happiness is about.

Take these questions; How do I establish oneness with everything? How do you make something out of nothingness? How does one live a virtuous and righteous life? How does one live noble and do what has to be done? How can “The All Mighty Universe” provide what I need? How can I find what brings meaning to my life? What brings happiness in the present moment?  

My answer to all these questions was, “Yes, I want to be that person and I want to be Truly Happy.” I needed something that brought it all together in a manner that made sense to me, so that I could share it with others, because it is my experience “you have to give it away to keep it”.

I remember when I was a child, just being happy, doing what I was doing, living and learning about the world and myself. There were no pressures as a young child. I was doing the things children do, bringing me closer to being grown up and having the things that I wanted. I didn’t know it then or recognize that was what I was doing, while I was growing up. I remember how carefree and happy life was, and being excited to learn new things and have new experiences. When I looked back at why life was so carefree and happy, I came to an understanding, I was doing things and creating experiences that were bringing me closer to being grown up.

A small child wants to do things that older children are doing. They learn the things and skills that they need to do those things, not thinking about or being burdened by the task, but being happy in where they are. The same can be said of teenagers as they start to find themselves, they deal with more pressures, they try a little self-searching and finding discontent that comes with not having what they want. They still find True Happiness when they’re doing something that is getting them closer to what they want, as they identify what they want.

When we moved into young adulthood we found it was not as we thought it would be when we were younger. More freedom came to us, with that came responsibilities and seeking ways that we could make ourselves happy. When we were doing things that were getting us closer to having things we wanted, we found True Happiness and still didn’t recognize when we were in those moments as different from when we were doing something that just made us happy.

As adults we began thinking how we were happiest when we were children as we set out on our path to find ways to be happy. The things in our lives that are bringing True Happiness are always there but we tend to overlook them in our pursuits of instant gratification and temporary relief from our everyday lives. We do things like buy cars, take vacations, and reward ourselves for the work we did. I maintain that though, those things made us happy, True Happiness only came about in moving toward getting them, dreaming about them, planning them even going to work to make the money to afford them.  

I believe that we are always wanting more, that is the way we have always been, and that keeps us striving to do what we have to do for the things we want. Doing things we need to do, to move closer to getting what we want, we find times of True Happiness without knowing it, still wanting to be happier. I believe the idea of True Happiness is one of universal concern and a paramount desire of our human nature. Recognizing the times when we are in states of True Happiness comes to us with knowledge of the things we want and the things we are doing to have them. Realization that we are happiest when we are moving toward having things and relationships we want, we find a connection to the many different areas of our lives and “True Happiness is found when we are doing something worthwhile with a purpose.”


Happiness is a state of mind
True Happiness is found when we are “doing something worthwhile with a purpose”.
My program and seminar called “True Happiness” is working wonders in the people’s lives that use it and are dedicated to affecting positive changes in their lives by embracing the spiritual energy that we all are. Using this program to define what it is they want in every area in their lives.



By Scott Henning  


What Is True Happiness”

When we look at the difference between True Happiness and passive happiness we know, there are some things that we have done in the past that have brought us True Happiness, but we didn’t realize it at the time. What is it that is keeping us from realizing and embracing the times when we are in a state of True Happiness? When we do something right we know it, the same can be said if we are doing something that is not in line with being the person we want to be, or may be holding us back from the things we want.

“Happiness depends on conditions being perceived as positive. Inner peace does not.”

Eckhart Tolle.

Be One With Me

Our motto, “We help by helping.” has expanded the things we do and offer.

Life Coaching

Sound / Energy Healing

Meditation Coaching

Consciousness Coaching

Motivational Speaking



Success in life can only be determined by each individual person and the things that determine success for each person depends on the things that they want out of life. Some people view success as making a lot of money, having great job, having a lot of possessions or having recognition from others. Others may view success as having a loving family, giving to or helping others, or just paying their bills on time. Success comes to us all in different areas of our lives and we are our own worst critics when it comes to whether we are successful or notCLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION

Dharma Chakra


Right view

Right intention

Right speech

Right action

Right livelihood

Right effort

Right mindfulness

Right concentration

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